सोमवार, 17 सितंबर 2018

Social phobia alternatively called social anxiety:

A person with social phobia may exhibit similar symptoms like those of panic disorder especially in social situations. Shaking, dizziness, shortness of breath, & heart palpitations may ensue when a person with social phobia finds his or herself at the center of attention or in the company of many people, regardless whether they are strangers or not.

An individual has his/her own issues, determined by their individualistic psyche, troubling them. There is need for clear distinction in mind on the type of issue and find ways to handle it accordingly. Some issues bring in excitement and exhilaration that require celebration. Others force an individual towards fight or flight mode, these require serious tackling. One’s perception is what drives you away from your normal human behavior. Talk out your problems, silence pushes you into intensified state of dejection. Communication provides warmth, hope and solution. In order to be mentally strong and emotionally healthy one has to learn to minimize triggers and tame responses. Understand the ways to deal with issue stressing, disturbing peace and calm in your life.