शनिवार, 29 सितंबर 2018

Observe your present life situation, do you find yourself in any of the circumstances listed as under:–

-You feel not respected & constantly taken for granted
-You are always the one who is expected to sacrifice your happiness and joy
-You find it difficult to express your opinions & your preferences
-You feel lot of need for other people’s approval (which is usually denied to you) 
-You feel hurt that people don’t reciprocate your acts of goodness (which you basically do so that       they are nice to you)
-You always end up in relationships where your partner does not reciprocate your endless love   (which, in truth, is basically just a form of neediness on your part)
-You find yourself in relationships of chronic emotional dependence, where your partner is almost   “leeching” on your energy (which usually results in yourself emotionally sapped & fatigued) 
-You are usually the fall guy, who takes the brunt of the blame, when something goes wrong   (especially in your work environment or relationships)
-You feel subjected to abuse & exploitation, or getting cheated & betrayed
-You are in denial of the abuse you are subjected to 
-You are constantly wearing a “smile” to appear harmless & docile
-You feel a seething anger within you towards the way you are being exploited, but you constantly   keep suppressing this anger out of a feeling of guilt or inferiority

If “yes” to any of the points mentioned above, it’s an indication of an imbalance in you where you are not aligned with the dimension of hatred in your mind. Remember there is a difference between “being aligned” & “being imbalanced” – being aligned allows for wisdom while being imbalanced causes immature/unwise actions. Sometimes wisdom dictates that you let go of a mistake made by someone & move on, whereas sometimes it’s required that you let that person know very clearly that you are not taking anymore nonsense from them. You gain access to this maturity & wisdom being a REIKI PRACTITIONER.

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