बुधवार, 1 जनवरी 2020

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Chakras are centres of energy located along the spine. The prana flows from the tailbone to the crown of head. Observe silence that goes beyond words and wordlessness. Trigger off the coiled energy lying dormant at Muladhara or the root chakra Clear the mind of the negative thoughts to enhance awareness, keep mind stable and visualise the light of wisdom opening the window of possibilities. Feel any of your feeling of love, affection, anger, hatred or fear to rediscover your heart and optimize self confidence, boost creativity and imagination. Leave perception of individual self, visualise the sun, moon, stars and planets as part of self to experience oneness with the Supreme Being.  Prana, the dynamic life force, shall restore balance between body, mind and spirit.