सोमवार, 10 दिसंबर 2018

Consumerism and Peace of mind

Consumerism and Peace of mind

There is no end to materialistic desires/possessions. The self-centrist approach to life gives birth to a tendency to run after money, acquire & hoard worldly goods/objects beyond one’s need to the extent that it even pollutes one’s mind with inclination to grab what belongs to someone else thus generating unhealthy competition, tension, conflict & violence. The mind becomes restless & distracted resulting in loss of inner peace. Money cannot buy peace and happiness. Monitor, restrain and curb the urge to own more money, gems, gold, land or other valuables. Self-restraint, self-control & self-detachment imbibed in thoughts, the virtues and values acquired on judicious introspection, helps one find bliss and peace.