Meaning of Aura and its colors
The Aura is a reflection of our True Nature at any given moment. At this point it is perhaps necessary to explain what do I mean by "True Nature" and why some effort is necessary to "discover" it. Our society seems to emphasize symbols, stereotypes, habits, manners, superficial behavior, pretending, following others and submitting free will to some "leaders". Our "education" seems to be based on views and expectations of people who try to control the flock.
Our True Nature is what is left when we recognize and discard all our habits, stereotypes, manners, and pretending, superficial behavior and become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Note that some people are so attached to their manners and habits that it is very hard, if not impossible, to discover who they really are. The only way to get an instant insight into their personality seems to be by watching their Aura, because the Aura shows their True Nature, behind any facade of superficial behavior.
In general, the more colorful, cleaner and brighter the Aura, the better and more spiritually advanced is the person. Also, the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the healthier and more balanced the person is.
Our Aura surrounds the entire body, but the interpretation of colors below relates to the Aura around the head only. Meaning of colors around the head presented below suggested in the literature has been confirmed by the author. When you learn to see Aura well, you can verify it for yourself, by concentrating on certain thoughts while watching your Aura, or telling people what their thoughts are when you see their Auras.
Usually, people have one or two dominating colors (strong points) in their Aura. These colors (or their Auric pairs) will be most likely their favorite colors.
In addition to dominant colors, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings and desires, which appear like "flashes", "clouds" or "flames", usually further away from the head. For example a flash of orange in the Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control. Orange as a dominant color is a sign of power and general ability to control people. Quickly changing "flashes" indicate quickly changing thoughts.
Meaning of Clean Colors of the Aura
(colors of the rainbow, bright, shiny, monochromatic colors):
Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts. Purple is never a strong point in the Aura. It appears only as temporary "clouds" and "flames", indicating truly spiritual thoughts.
Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other color in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting information in a telepathic communication.
Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than demand executing their commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about organizing and influencing others.
Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their Auras are natural healers. The stronger the green Aura, the better the healer. They also love gardening and usually have a "green hand" - anything grows for them. Being in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.
Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital forces. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and not attached to anything. Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual development. A signature of a spiritual teacher. Do not accept spiritual teachings from anyone who does not have such a yellow halo. Buddha and Christ had yellow halos extending to their arms. Today it is rare on Earth to find a person with a halo larger than 1 inch. Yellow halo appears as a result of a highly active brow chakra (which can be seen glowing with violet by many people at my workshops). Highly spiritual people stimulate the brow chakra continuously for many years, because they always have intensive spiritual thoughts in their minds. When this chakra is observed when highly active, a yellow (Auric pair) halo appears around it, surrounding the entire head. Yellow thought indicates a moment of joy and contentment.
Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability and/or desire to control people. When orange becomes a strong point, it usually contributes to a yellow halo, which then becomes gold, indicating not only a spiritual teacher, but a powerful spiritual teacher, someone capable of demonstrating his/her unique abilities. Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to control people.
Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.
Pink (=purple+red): love (in a spiritual sense). To obtain a clean pink, you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with red (the lowest frequency). Pink Aura indicates that the person achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and the material existence. The most advanced people have not only a yellow halo around the head (a permanent strong point in the Aura) but also a large pink Aura extending further away. The pink color in the Aura is quite rare on Earth and appears only as a temporary thought, never as a strong point in the Aura.
LEARN REIKI- LEVEL -ONE & TWO, THIRD DEGREE- , MASTERSHIP,KARUNA REIKI, GRAND MASTERSHIP , DOWSING , CRYSTAL BALL GAZING, , EFT/ERT, MAGNIFIED HEALING, POWER OF SUBCONSCIOUS MIND COURSE by - dr.vandana singh raghuvanshi, phone-09872880634 you can contact us for distant healing and individual past life regression. we also conduct reiki healing and past life regression on skype.
बुधवार, 23 दिसंबर 2015
@ ध्वनि और सात चक्र - 1 =================== ऊर्जा का ध्वनि रूप कभी नष्ट नहीं होता । आज भी विज्ञान कृष्ण की गीता को आकाश से मूल रूप में प्राप्त करना चाहता है । ध्वनि की तरंगे जल तरंगों की तरह वर्तुल (गोलाकार) रूप में आगे बढ़ती हैं । सूर्य की किरणें सीधी रेखा में चलती हैं, इनका मार्ग कोई भी अपारदर्शी माध्यम अवरुद्ध कर सकता है । जल तरंगें जल तक ही सिमित रहती हैं । लेकिन ध्वनि तरंगों को कोई माध्यम रोक नहीं पाता है । गर्भस्त शिशु भी ध्वनि स्पंदनों ग्रहण कर अभिमन्यु बन जाता है । प्रकृति ने शरीर को सात धातुओं में, सात चक्रों में , सप्तांग गुहाओं में श्रेणीबद्ध किया है ।ध्वनि को भी सात सुरों से अलंकृत किया है । सम्पूर्ण ब्रम्हाण्ड जो की ध्वनि अर्थात नाद पर ही आधारित है, सात ही लोकों में बटा हुआ है ।यथा: भु - भुव: - स्व: - मह: - जन: - तप: - सत्यम् ।शरीर के सात चक्रों की तुलना भी इन सात लोकों से की गयी है । जैसे सृष्टि और प्रकृति में संतुलन जरुरी है, उसी प्रकार शरीर तथा चक्रों में संतुलन आवश्यक है ।प्रत्येक चक्र पर वर्णमाला के वर्ण भी अभिव्यक्त होते हैं। इन वर्णों का , सात सुरों के स्पंदनों का चक्रों से विशिष्ठ सम्बन्ध होता है । दूसरी ओर प्रत्येक चक्र से शरीर के कुछ अवयव जुड़े हुए हैं । चक्र शरीर के विशेष शक्ति केंद्र हैं , अत: इनसे ही , आश्रित अवयवों की क्रियाओं का नियंत्रण होता है । अवयवों के रोगग्रस्त होने की दशा में चक्रों का संतुलन भी बिगड़ जाता है । चक्रों का सीधा सम्बन्ध हमारे आभामंडल से होता है । इसी आभामंडल से हमारा मन निर्मित होता है । आभामंडल अपने चारों ओर के वायुमंडल से ऊर्जाएं ग्रहण करता है । यहाँ से सारी ऊर्जाएं चक्रों से गुजरती हुई विभिन्न अंगों , स्नायु कोशिकाओं में वितरित होती है । मूलाधार और सहस्त्रार को छोड़कर सभी चक्र युगल रूप में होते हैं । एक भाग आगे की ओर तथा दूसरा भाग पीठ की ओर । साधारण अवस्था में सभी चक्र घड़ी की दिशा में घूमते हैं । हर चक्र की अपनी गति होती है । इसमें होने वाले स्पंदनों की आवृति ( frequency ) के अनुरूप ही चक्र का रंग होता है । चक्र का आगे वाला भाग गुण - धर्म से जुड़ा है । पृष्ठ भाग गुणों की मात्रा , स्तर और प्रचुरता से जुड़ा होता है । युगल का संगम रीढ़ केंद्र होता है । जहाँ इडा - पिंगला भी मिलती हैं । यही केंद्र अंत:स्रावी ग्रंथि (endocrine gland) से जुड़ा होता है । अनंत आकाश से तथा सूर्य से आने वाली ऊर्जाएं हमारे आभामंडल और चक्रों के समूह के माध्यम से हमारे स्थूल शरीर में प्रवेश करती है । अंत:स्रावी ग्रंथियों के नाम एवम् स्थान:- ======================== चक्र ग्रंथि स्थान --------- ----------- -------------- 7 सहस्त्रार पीनियल कपाल 6 आज्ञा पिच्युटरी (पीयुशिका) भ्रूमध्य 5 विशुद्धि थायराईड (गलग्रंथी) कंठ 4 अनाहत थायमस (बाल्य ग्रंथि) ह्रदय 3 मणिपूर पेनक्रियज (अग्नाशय) नाभि 2 स्वाधिष्ठान एड्रिनल ( जनन ग्रंथि) पेडू 1 मूलाधार गोनाड (अधिब्रक्क) रीढ़ का अंतिम छोर कार्य क्षेत्र ======= सहस्रार - ऊपरी मस्तिष्क, दाहिनी आँख, स्नायु तंत्र, शरीर का ढांचा, आत्मिक धरातल, सूक्ष्म ऊर्जा सइ सम्बन्ध, पूर्व जन्म स्मृति आदि । भ्रूमध्य - ग्रंथियों की कार्य प्रणाली, प्रतिरोध क्षमता, चेहरा तथा इन्द्रियों के कार्य, अंत:चक्षु , चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र, प्रज्ञा आदि । विशुद्धि - स्वर यंत्र , श्वसन तंत्र , अंत:श्रवण, टेलीपेथी, अंतर्मन आदि । अनाहत - रोग निरोधक क्षमता, ह्रदय, रक्त प्रवाह , दया - करुणा का केंद्र, अन्य प्राणीयों के प्रति सम्मान भाव आदि । मणिपुर - पाचन तंत्र, यकृत, तिल्ली , नाड़ी तंत्र , आंतें , बायाँ मस्तिस्क, बौद्धिक विकास आदि । स्वाधिष्ठान - प्रजनन तंत्र, गुर्दे , मूत्र , मल, विष विसर्ज्ञन, भावनात्मक धरातल, सूक्ष्म स्तर आदि । मूलाधार - विसर्जन तंत्र , रीढ़ , पैर ,प्रजनन अंग, जीवन ऊर्जा का मूल केंद्र, भय मुक्ति, शक्ति केंद्र । क्रमशः
मंगलवार, 24 नवंबर 2015
Pain in your neck.
If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.
If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.
शुक्रवार, 20 नवंबर 2015
सोमवार, 26 अक्टूबर 2015
To remove negative energy from your Aura...Salt water remedy
is very effective.... What is required for the salt water remedy? A large sized
bucket Water filled in the bucket (up to 50%) to cover the ankles when the feet
are immersed in the bucket Rock salt If rock salt is not available one can use
sea salt crystals/table salt, however the effectiveness of the remedy will
reduce to 30% (of the remedy when rock-salt is used) A towel A foot mat 4. How
is the salt water remedy performed? 4.1 Step by step instructions Preparation:
Fill a bucket (up to 50%) with water so as to cover the ankles. Add 2
tablespoons of rock salt. Pray to God sincerely and with faith to remove the
black energy in you. Also pray specifically for destroying the black energy of
the (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) affecting you. Prayer is an
important ingredient which enhances the effectiveness of this remedy. The
remedy: Sit upright with your feet immersed in the salt water. Keep a distance
of at least 2-3 cms between the feet. This aids in the maximum discharge of
black energy. If the feet touch each other, then there is obstacle to the
discharge of black energy through the feet. Keep the feet in the salt water for
10 – 15 minutes. While the feet are immersed, chant the Name of God according
to your religion. On completion: After the completion of the remedy give
gratitude to God and pray for the creation of a protective sheath around you.
Then throw the salt water in the toilet and rinse the bucket with fresh water.
रविवार, 25 अक्टूबर 2015
Reiki: Reiki Healer Course: Reiki Level I- ( Hands on Healing) 1) Aura Scanning: (a) Self (b) Others (c) Home/ Office (d) Distance 2) Aura Cleansing & Balancing For: (a) Self (b) Others (c) Home/ Office 3) Disposal of dirty energy 4) Whole body Reiki healing 5) Healing for non living things, Home/ Office. 6) Chakra Cleansing & Healing. Reiki Level II : Distance Healing 1) Attunement For Symbols: (a) To create Energy. (b) To balance/ Harmony (c) To Connect from Distance. 2) Wish box healing 3) Goal achivement healing 4) Healing to your near & dear one if they are in other city. 5) Uses of quartz for self healing 6) Angelic blessing for wish box 7) Reiki symbol Meditation 8 ) Healing for bringing positive energy in home/ office 9) Reiki healing for pets. 10) How to attack abundance with Reiki. Reiki Level III Degree with Karuna Reiki ( Master Healer Course) : 10) Highest symbol attunement . 2) Karuna Reiki symbols 3) Reiki Surgery 4) Quartz Healing 5) Psychic Attack 6) Grid Healing 7) Self Protection Techniques 8 ) Reiki Meditation with highest Symbol with whole family. 9) Advance tech distance healing. 10) Chakra Healing in Detail. Reiki Mastership: How to do attunement. Special symbols. Reiki GrandMastership: 1) Special Symbols 2) More Knowledge on chakra healing 3) Special healing techniques 4) Uses of color Therapy.
गुरुवार, 22 अक्टूबर 2015
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
सोमवार, 19 अक्टूबर 2015
"When we decide that we no longer want to be bitter, we are reborn into a world filled with delight and fulfillment unlike any we knew while in the clutches of bitterness. The veil it cast over our lives is lifted, letting light and warmth touch our souls." ....#happysoul
रविवार, 18 अक्टूबर 2015
Reiki healing Chandigarh
#souljourney #soulmate
"Our universe grants every soul a twin-
a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit – And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love.”
– Julie Dillon
"Our universe grants every soul a twin-
a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit – And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love.”
– Julie Dillon
गुरुवार, 8 अक्टूबर 2015
Give yourself permission to let go...of past regrets, failures or mistakes; unresolved pain & disappointments; or actions that you should have, would have, or could have taken ~ but did not.
बुधवार, 7 अक्टूबर 2015
The definition of happiness and the determination of the means for achieving it, belongs to you and YOU ONLY.
रविवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2015
eft #ert trainer #lifecoach #drvandanaraghuvanshi Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, ERT) EFT helps to remove daily stress from your body and mind. Tapping on certain points helps to release day to day clutter from body, mind, Aura, and Chakra. Easy to learn, easy to use. It can be learnt in 5 hours. No need for formal education. It can be learnt by any age group.
Obsessions about Dirt and Contamination
Unfounded fears of contracting a dreadful illness Excessive concerns about dirt and germs (including the fear of spreading germs to others); and environmental contaminants, such as household cleaners Feelings of revulsion about bodily waste and secretions Obsessions about one's body Abnormal concerns about sticky substances or residues
Obsessive Need for Order or Symmetry
An overwhelming need to align objects "just so" Abnormal concerns about the neatness of one's personal appearance or one's environment
Obsessions about Hoarding or Saving
Stashing away useless trash (such as old newspapers or items rescued from trash cans) The inability to discard anything because it "may be needed sometime," a fear of losing something or discarding something by mistake
Obsessions with Sexual Content
Unwanted sexual thoughts that one views as inappropriate and unacceptable Fear of molesting a child, despite no desire to do so Fears that one may be homosexual
Repetitive Rituals
Repeating routine activities for no logical reason Repeating questions over and over Rewording or rewriting words or phrases
Nonsensical Doubts
Unfounded fears that one has failed to do some routine task (such as paying the mortgage or signing a check)
Religious Obsessions (Scrupulosity)
Troublesome blasphemous or sacrilegious thoughts Excessive concerns about morality and right or wrong
Obsessions with Aggressive Content
The fear of having caused some fatal tragedy (such as a fatal fire) Repeated intruding images of violence The fear of acting out a violent thought (such as stabbing or shooting someone) The irrational fear of having hurt someone (for example the fear of having hit someone while driving)
Obsessions with Food and Weight
Preoccupation with foods or food measurements Rituals involving food (for example making sure that every bite is the same size, not letting foods touch on plate, etc.) Irrational fears that some foods are bad or must be avoided Being overly concerned about one's weight (for example weighing one's self several times a day)
Superstitious Fears
The belief that certain numbers are "lucky" or "unlucky" Excessive, ritualized hand-washing, showering, bathing, or tooth-brushing The unshakable feeling that household items, such as dishes, are contaminated and cannot be washed enough to be "really clean"
Compulsions about Having Things Just Right
The need for symmetry and total order in one's environment (for example, the need to line up canned goods in the pantry in alphabetical order, to hang clothes in the exact same spot in the closet every day, or to wear certain clothes only on certain days) The need to keep doing something until one gets it "just right"
Hoarding Compulsions
Minutely inspecting household trash in case some "valuable" item has been thrown out Accumulating useless objects
Checking Compulsions
Repeatedly checking to see if a door is locked or an appliance is turned off Checking to make certain one has not harmed someone (for example, driving around and around the block to see if anyone has been run over) Checking and rechecking for mistakes (such as when balancing a checkbook) Checking associated with bodily obsessions (such as repeatedly checking oneself for signs of a catastrophic disease)
रविवार, 6 सितंबर 2015
Devotion अर्थात् शरणागति या भक्ति इस प्रकार ये सभी नाम प्रेम के ही हैं।प्रेम ( मोह नहीं ) ही सर्वोच्च भक्ति हैं , प्रेम ही वास्तविक जीवन है, प्रेम में ही बास्तविक सुख है और यही मोक्ष का कारक भी है ।भगवान श्री कृष्ण जी ने भक्ति को सर्वोपरि कहा है लेकिन भक्ति का आधार प्रेम बताया है ।....By Dr.Surendra Nath Panch Ji
शनिवार, 15 अगस्त 2015
REIKI TEACHING , CHANDIGARH....#reikiclasses #reikihealingworkshop #teachingreikiinchandigarh #reikimastershipcourse #learnreikichandigarh
Soft Heart – a place to regenerate and find renewed balance
Let’s face it, nobody feels great, or even good, all the time. How you feel can shift frequently during a day, week or month. Mood swings are commonplace as life becomes more complex, overstimulating & uncertain.
Shifts in feelings & mood can be exhausting & confusing unless you have emotion regulation tools to use. When you learn to go to your Soft Heart, you’ll find an easygoing, warm place of compassion for yourself. It’s not a mushy or self-pitying place. It’s a place of ease & self-care.
Shifts in feelings & mood can be exhausting & confusing unless you have emotion regulation tools to use. When you learn to go to your Soft Heart, you’ll find an easygoing, warm place of compassion for yourself. It’s not a mushy or self-pitying place. It’s a place of ease & self-care.
A useful metaphor for Soft Heart is a warm, calming bath. Imagine yourself soaking in this bath in your heart, easing away tension & anxiety little by little.
*Your first step, before entering the "soak," is to recognize that you’re feeling disturbed, overwhelmed or depressed.
*Remember, it’s not the issues that cause your low-ebb feelings as much as the significance you’re giving them.
*Now, find your Soft Heart attitude by feeling love, care or appreciation for a person, pet or something you really care about. This helps you get into a soft place in your heart & increases your effectiveness when feeling care & compassion for yourself.
*Soak & relax any unwanted feelings in the compassion of the heart, letting the significance dissolve a little at a time. Take your time doing this.
*Keeping your attention in a Soft Heart can allow more coherent heart rhythms to emerge, helping you recoup mental, emotional & physical vitality.
*Respect the fact that you are human, living in challenging times. Allow yourself to ease & rest in the comfort of your Soft Heart to recoup energy.
As you move in slower motion for a while, you’ll find that your emotional energy delicately recharges & your vitality & heart buoyancy eventually will return.
मंगलवार, 11 अगस्त 2015
Read somewhere, like to share..\
.What is Ego?
The ego is our sense of self. Our boundaries; a feeling of being me. Ego gives us definition in the 3-dimensional world:
”This is my body. This is my mind. This is me. These are my preferences, my limits – my, me, mine.”
Ego is a necessary component of human life. It informs us of our choices in the world.
Our beliefs, feelings, emotions & thoughts create our current & future realities so if you believe you need the ego to remain within your being to protect you, then that is a very valid belief that will continue to serve your soul’s learning process. However, just because we believe something to be true for us does not mean it is the highest truth for our evolution. At this time on the Earth we are in a very intense period of transformation where we are releasing old distorted beliefs & energies that once served our highest good & we are replacing them with new more evolved beliefs that will help us expand our consciousness so we can move forward.
Positive Ego
To have definition in this 3-dimensional world, we need our ego, right? But what choices do we make with this ego of ours? And how do we train ourselves to redefine our ego boundaries, as we expand as humans?
Usually our sense of self is a sensation in the upper stomach; the solar plexus.
This is the point of the inner sun that, when in balance, gives us a feeling of empowerment & joy in our lives. It gives us power to act and keeps us feeling independent & strong. It radiates warmth out into the rest of the body. It makes us value our uniqueness & when properly tended to & channeled, prepares us for greater service to others as the ego-energy is funneled up into the heart center. This is positive ego.
Negative Ego
Ego is by definition limiting.
Its function is to keep us safe, to contain us. Its understanding doesn’t reach beyond the material world. The ego understands only that which it can grasp; “I am safe because I have a house, money, food in the fridge” is typical ego reasoning.
Putting security in that which can be seen is what the ego does. Either or – thinking is typical of the ego as well. It thrives on comparison.”Why does he get that & I don’t?” is a familiar tune from the ego music library.
For the ego it might be hard to understand that if I am a child of the Universe, that by being special, nothing is being taken away from anyone.
If you feel yourself to have a big ego & you’ve been beating yourself up about it – you can stop now.
Lots of ego energy just means lots of energy potential to be channeled into your heart, to be used for compassion, service & healing. This can be done through working with selfless service (Nothing refines your ego like putting your own needs aside!), meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices.
If you’ve been repressing your ego, you can stop it now.
Let yourself feel your stomach area. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. Do an intestinal cleanse. You might have some shame issues or anger issues to work through as you allow your sense of self to awaken. Let yourself discover your uniqueness. And from that point, start your expansion into recognizing the miracle within all.
शनिवार, 8 अगस्त 2015
Read some where, like to share....
What is to be done to protect peace and joy in one’s life?
The epic Ramayana was sparked off by two little incidents involving two minor characters – the resentment of Kaikeyi’s maid Manthara & the lust of Ravana’s sister, Surpanakha. Be aware that a tiny spark of these two inimical qualities desire & anger (kama & krodha), is sufficient to destroy peace & joy in your life. Weed them out before they destroy you. Work hard to clear your mind from of all its likes & dislikes. If you succeed in restraining their flow towards the objective world, your senses will be rendered ineffective. Once you accomplish the extinction of the mind, these evil qualities cannot harm you & you will remain in joy & peace. Sensory activity is the warp as well as the woof of the mind. When that ceases, the mind vanishes – it starves & dies.
When your mind is filled with good thoughts, such as truth, love, forbearance & compassion, your life will be filled with peace & serenity.
गुरुवार, 6 अगस्त 2015
Readsomewhere, Like to share...
Common Fears - Choosing a New Response
Our minds are powerful & moving into fear is a common experience that we can each look at & change.
Everyone has fears—it is a natural part of being human. Fear can protect us from harm by sending a rush of adrenaline to help us physically deal with potential danger. But there are times when fear may keep us from participating fully in life. Once we realize that fear is a state of mind, we can choose to face our fears, change our minds & create the life we want to live.
Our minds are powerful tools to be used by our higher selves; like computers, storing & using data to make certain connections between thought & response. We have the ability to observe these & choose differently. No matter where the fear came from, we can create new connections by choosing new thoughts. When our souls & minds are in alignment, we create a new experience of reality. This journey requires many small steps, as well as patience & courage through the process. Here’s an example: You decide to overcome your fear of driving on the highway. Your plan of action starts with examining your thoughts & finding a new way of seeing the situation. When you’re ready, you enlist a calm companion to support you as you take the first step of merging into the slow lane & using the first exit. Your heart may be racing, but your confidence will be boosted by the accomplishment. Repeat this until you are comfortable, with or without help, & then drive one exit further. When you are ready, you can try driving in the middle lane, for longer periods each time, until you find yourself going where you want to go. This gradual process is similar for conquering any fear, but if you find it overwhelming, you can always seek the help of a professional.
You may think that you are the only one with a particular fear, that nobody else could possibly be scared of ordinary things such as water, heights, public speaking, or flying. These types of fears are very common, and you can have great success overcoming them. Remember, it is not the absence of the fear but the courage to take action anyway that determines success. When we learn to face our fears, we learn to observe our thoughts & feelings but not be ruled by them. Instead we choose how to shape the lives we want.
Common Fears - Choosing a New Response
Our minds are powerful & moving into fear is a common experience that we can each look at & change.
Everyone has fears—it is a natural part of being human. Fear can protect us from harm by sending a rush of adrenaline to help us physically deal with potential danger. But there are times when fear may keep us from participating fully in life. Once we realize that fear is a state of mind, we can choose to face our fears, change our minds & create the life we want to live.
Our minds are powerful tools to be used by our higher selves; like computers, storing & using data to make certain connections between thought & response. We have the ability to observe these & choose differently. No matter where the fear came from, we can create new connections by choosing new thoughts. When our souls & minds are in alignment, we create a new experience of reality. This journey requires many small steps, as well as patience & courage through the process. Here’s an example: You decide to overcome your fear of driving on the highway. Your plan of action starts with examining your thoughts & finding a new way of seeing the situation. When you’re ready, you enlist a calm companion to support you as you take the first step of merging into the slow lane & using the first exit. Your heart may be racing, but your confidence will be boosted by the accomplishment. Repeat this until you are comfortable, with or without help, & then drive one exit further. When you are ready, you can try driving in the middle lane, for longer periods each time, until you find yourself going where you want to go. This gradual process is similar for conquering any fear, but if you find it overwhelming, you can always seek the help of a professional.
You may think that you are the only one with a particular fear, that nobody else could possibly be scared of ordinary things such as water, heights, public speaking, or flying. These types of fears are very common, and you can have great success overcoming them. Remember, it is not the absence of the fear but the courage to take action anyway that determines success. When we learn to face our fears, we learn to observe our thoughts & feelings but not be ruled by them. Instead we choose how to shape the lives we want.
रविवार, 2 अगस्त 2015
READSOMEWHERE, LIKE TO SHARE.... Negative Control And Domination In Relationships In a lot many of the different types of relationships we find ourselves in, may they be our personal relationships or at the workplace, we sometimes feel ourselves to be in a position where we feel we are being dominated & controlled negatively by the opposite person. A very common example of the above negative energy, in personal & non-personal relationships, is when someone gets angry with you & manages to make you react & get upset, they mange to dominate you. Over a period of time they start realizing that they possess an invisible & powerful remote control, using which, whenever they want to control you, what they should do is to get angry with you & that way they will achieve the desired control. Their anger becomes a remote control. When you react you are allowing this control or allowing the other's remote control to work. It is you that chooses to allow yourself to be influenced & dominated. It is important for us to realize that we can choose & take the decision to allow ourselves to be controlled & dominated, or we can choose to express what we feel without being affected by the reaction of the other & still maintaining our love, respect & good wishes for the other. Let us not allow ourselves to be dominated & influenced by entities external to us which includes objects & people or we will lose energy. Each moment we allow another person's remote control to work successfully or we allow an object to control & dominate our emotional state, we weaken internally. We become like a puppet in the other person's hands. A puppet is never powerful because it does not act on its own but is controlled by someone else. We need to prevent that, if we want to conserve our energy & remain spiritually strong. Meditation and spiritual knowledge both increase our spiritual strength & also increase our self esteem or self respect over a period of time. Both these increases help us remain in self control & not only disallow the other's remote control to work but also become assertive (not aggressive) & take a stand when required.
गुरुवार, 16 जुलाई 2015
Read somewhere, like to share... How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others 1. Don’t listen to the voice inside your head that tells you that you are inadequate. 2. Don’t hang out with people who look for the flaws & can’t see the best in the people in their lives. 3. Recognise that each person is different and unique. There is no-one like you - & you have great attributes. 4. Take note of your efforts & the progress you have made. You’ve already come far. You should celebrate that! 5. Appreciate others, & what you gain from them. Don’t see them as people who undermine you. 6. Remember that NO-ONE is perfect at all - and that other people struggle with the same stuff as well. 7. Go after what matters the most in this life: being loyal, and thoughtful, and caring, and kind.
बुधवार, 15 जुलाई 2015
Reiki third degree course in Chandigarh, India...
Free of resentment, we have much more energy & attention to devote to our personal development. We can fill the spaces it left behind with unconditional acceptance & joy. And, as a result of our subsequent freedom from resentment, blessings can once again enter our lives as the walls we built to contain our anger have been demolished.
रविवार, 12 जुलाई 2015
- Sinus infections are caused by infections from a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium, or fungus), which grows within a sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostiu
- .Symptoms of sinusitis include:
- a green or yellow discharge from your nose
- a blocked nose
- pain and tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead
- a sinus headache
- a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or more
- toothache
- a reduced sense of smell
शनिवार, 11 जुलाई 2015
शुक्रवार, 10 जुलाई 2015
Rose Quartz Crystal is a quartz crystal that derives its name from its lovely rose pink color. It is known as the 'love stone' as it emits is the strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and healing. This beautiful pink crystal has a powerful energy that resonates within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, or thymus chakra, the area related to compassion. This stone will also resonate out the love energy into its surrounds, and aid all those nearby, such as your nearest and dearest. Not only will it assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity, and this energy is well known for its action to stimulate romance in your life.As quartz crystals are profound amplifiers of energy, it may help to kindle happiness, love, romantic feelings and sensuality. Rose Quartz Meaning ... A Powerful Love Stone
शनिवार, 4 जुलाई 2015
शुक्रवार, 3 जुलाई 2015
Swathisthan...[Harara / Sacral ]Chakra....... The second chakra is located in the abdomen, lower back and sexual organs are related to the element water and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change. Sanskrit Name: Swadhisthana Meaning: sweetness Location: Sacral Plexus- lower abdomen Body Parts: womb, genitals, kidney, bladder, circulatory system Glands: ovaries, testicles Function: emotional release, sexuality, pleasure, procreation Element: water Color: orange Balanced Characteristics: ability to experience pleasure, emotionally balanced, healthy, sex life, nurturance of self and others, graceful movement Deficiency: denial of pleasure, emotionally numb, fear of sex, rigidity in bod and attitudes, lack of desire, passion and excitement Excess: pleasure addiction, excessively strong emotions, ruled by emotions, sexual addiction, seductive manipulation Physical Malfunctions: disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, bladder, kidneys. Menstrual difficulties, lower back pain, knee trouble deadened senses-loss of appetite for food, sex, life. Sexual Dysfunction-impotence, frigidity, non-orgasmic. Healing Strategy: movement, emotional release or containment as appropriate healthy pleasures Kew Words: sexual, sensual, pleasure, feel, senses, flow, water, fluid, desire, connection, feminine, nurturance, movement Affirmations: I make my decisions from a place of hope and faith My creative drive is strong and exciting My sexuality is fulfilling and meaningful I am Life.
शुक्रवार, 19 जून 2015
प्रेम , भाषा की दृष्टि से देखें तो परम् शब्द से बना है प्रेम । परम् का अर्थ है जिसमें कोई दूषितता न हो अर्थात् शुद्धतम् ,और सर्वोच्च , जिसकी कोई सीमा नहीं,या जो असीम है ।जिस चक्र का यहाँ वर्णन किया है उसका संस्कृत नाम है "अनहद" अर्थात् जिसकी कोई हद न हो या कोई सीमा न हो ,जो असीम हो ,यहाँ भगवन का निवास भी है।इसीलिए श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता के अध्याय -10 के श्लोक - 20 के द्वारा भगवन ने समझाया है कि :- अहमात्मा गुडाकेश सर्भूताशयस्थित: ।अहमादिश्च मध्यं च भूतानामन्त एव च ।। अर्थात् हे अर्जुन ! मैं सभी प्राणीयों के हृदय में स्थित सबका आत्मा हूँ तथा सबका आदि, मध्य, और अंत भी मैं ही हूँ । Dr.Surendra Nath Panch Ji, on Anhad Chakra
ध्वनि और सात चक्र ================ ऊर्जा का ध्वनि रूप कभी नष्ट नहीं होता । आज भी विज्ञान कृष्ण की गीता को आकाश से मूल रूप में प्राप्त करना चाहता है । ध्वनि की तरंगे जल तरंगों की तरह वर्तुल (गोलाकार) रूप में आगे बढ़ती हैं । सूर्य की किरणें सीधी रेखा में चलती हैं, इनका मार्ग कोई भी अपारदर्शी माध्यम अवरुद्ध कर सकता है । जल तरंगें जल तक ही सिमित रहती हैं । लेकिन ध्वनि तरंगों को कोई माध्यम रोक नहीं पाता है । गर्भस्त शिशु भी ध्वनि स्पंदनों ग्रहण कर अभिमन्यु बन जाता है । प्रकृति ने शरीर को सात धातुओं में, सात चक्रों में , सप्तांग गुहाओं में श्रेणीबद्ध किया है ।ध्वनि को भी सात सुरों से अलंकृत किया है । सम्पूर्ण ब्रम्हाण्ड जो की ध्वनि अर्थात नाद पर ही आधारित है, सात ही लोकों में बटा हुआ है ।यथा: भु - भुव: - स्व: - मह: - जन: - तप: - सत्यम् ।शरीर के सात चक्रों की तुलना भी इन सात लोकों से की गयी है । जैसे सृष्टि और प्रकृति में संतुलन जरुरी है, उसी प्रकार शरीर तथा चक्रों में संतुलन आवश्यक है ।प्रत्येक चक्र पर वर्णमाला के वर्ण भी अभिव्यक्त होते हैं। इन वर्णों का , सात सुरों के स्पंदनों का चक्रों से विशिष्ठ सम्बन्ध होता है । दूसरी ओर प्रत्येक चक्र से शरीर के कुछ अवयव जुड़े हुए हैं । चक्र शरीर के विशेष शक्ति केंद्र हैं , अत: इनसे ही , आश्रित अवयवों की क्रियाओं का नियंत्रण होता है । अवयवों के रोगग्रस्त होने की दशा में चक्रों का संतुलन भी बिगड़ जाता है । चक्रों का सीधा सम्बन्ध हमारे आभामंडल से होता है । इसी आभामंडल से हमारा मन निर्मित होता है । आभामंडल अपने चारों ओर के वायुमंडल से ऊर्जाएं ग्रहण करता है । यहाँ से सारी ऊर्जाएं चक्रों से गुजरती हुई विभिन्न अंगों , स्नायु कोशिकाओं में वितरित होती है । मूलाधार और सहस्त्रार को छोड़कर सभी चक्र युगल रूप में होते हैं । एक भाग आगे की ओर तथा दूसरा भाग पीठ की ओर । साधारण अवस्था में सभी चक्र घड़ी की दिशा में घूमते हैं । हर चक्र की अपनी गति होती है । इसमें होने वाले स्पंदनों की आवृति ( frequency ) के अनुरूप ही चक्र का रंग होता है । चक्र का आगे वाला भाग गुण - धर्म से जुड़ा है । पृष्ठ भाग गुणों की मात्रा , स्तर और प्रचुरता से जुड़ा होता है । युगल का संगम रीढ़ केंद्र होता है । जहाँ इडा - पिंगला भी मिलती हैं । यही केंद्र अंत:स्रावी ग्रंथि (endocrine gland) से जुड़ा होता है । अनंत आकाश से तथा सूर्य से आने वाली ऊर्जाएं हमारे आभामंडल और चक्रों के समूह के माध्यम से हमारे स्थूल शरीर में प्रवेश करती है । अंत:स्रावी ग्रंथियों के नाम एवम् स्थान:- ======================== चक्र ग्रंथि स्थान --------- ----------- -------------- 7 सहस्त्रार पीनियल कपाल 6 आज्ञा पिच्युटरी (पीयुशिका) भ्रूमध्य 5 विशुद्धि थायराईड (गलग्रंथी) कंठ 4 अनाहत थायमस (बाल्य ग्रंथि) ह्रदय 3 मणिपूर पेनक्रियज (अग्नाशय) नाभि 2 स्वाधिष्ठान एड्रिनल ( जनन ग्रंथि) पेडू 1 मूलाधार गोनाड (अधिब्रक्क) रीढ़ का अंतिम छोर कार्य क्षेत्र ======= सहस्रार - ऊपरी मस्तिष्क, दाहिनी आँख, स्नायु तंत्र, शरीर का ढांचा, आत्मिक धरातल, सूक्ष्म ऊर्जा सइ सम्बन्ध, पूर्व जन्म स्मृति आदि । भ्रूमध्य - ग्रंथियों की कार्य प्रणाली, प्रतिरोध क्षमता, चेहरा तथा इन्द्रियों के कार्य, अंत:चक्षु , चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र, प्रज्ञा आदि । विशुद्धि - स्वर यंत्र , श्वसन तंत्र , अंत:श्रवण, टेलीपेथी, अंतर्मन आदि । अनाहत - रोग निरोधक क्षमता, ह्रदय, रक्त प्रवाह , दया - करुणा का केंद्र, अन्य प्राणीयों के प्रति सम्मान भाव आदि । मणिपुर - पाचन तंत्र, यकृत, तिल्ली , नाड़ी तंत्र , आंतें , बायाँ मस्तिस्क, बौद्धिक विकास आदि । स्वाधिष्ठान - प्रजनन तंत्र, गुर्दे , मूत्र , मल, विष विसर्ज्ञन, भावनात्मक धरातल, सूक्ष्म स्तर आदि । मूलाधार - विसर्जन तंत्र , रीढ़ , पैर ,प्रजनन अंग, जीवन ऊर्जा का मूल केंद्र, भय मुक्ति, शक्ति केंद्र । सातों केन्द्रों के रंग भी इन्द्रधनुष के रंगों के क्रम में होते हैं । हर रंग ध्वनि तरंगों की आवृति से बनता है । यह वैज्ञानिक तथ्य है । अत: हम ध्वनि तरंगों की आवृति नियंत्रित करके चक्र विशेष को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं । ध्वनि की अवधारणा में शब्द और भाव संगीत पर सवार होते हैं । अलग-अलग श्रेणी के शब्द जब संगीत की लय , ताल , और स्वर से मिलते हैं, तब विभिन्न चक्रों पर उनका प्रभाव भिन्न - भिन्न होता है । अस्वस्थ व्यक्ति के चक्रों का स्वरुप असंतुलित होता है । गति, आवृति, रंग, आभामंडल आदि संतुलित नहीं होते । तब संगीत की लय, भावनाओं के साथ जुड़कर संतुलन को ठीक करने का क्रम शुरू किया जाता है । कई बार रोग की स्थिति में असंतुलित चक्र सूक्ष्म शरीर से ऊर्जा खींचकर स्वस्थ होने का प्रयास करता है । रंगों की तरह संगीत के सात सुर भी सातों केन्द्रों से जुड़े होते हैं । प्रत्येक स्वर की आवृति , ताल, भी हर चक्र की अलग-अलग होती है । शब्द, भाव और ध्वनि अविनाभाव( आपस में संयुक्त ) होते हैं ।एक को बदलने पर शेष दोनों भी बदल जाते हैं । ध्वनि की एक विशेषता यह है कि ये चारों ओर फैलती जाती है । प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के शरीर से गुजरती जाती है । इसी प्रकार प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की ध्वनि भी हमारे शरीर से गुजरती रहती है । अत: हर व्यक्ति एक दूसरे को परिष्कृत करता जाता है । शब्द और ध्वनि मिलकर भावनाओं को ऊर्ध्वगामी बनाते हैं । इसी के साथ संगीत के सुरों का क्रम गहन से गहनतम होता जाता है । व्यक्ति खो जाता है । संगीत के स्पंदन और उसका गुंजन मणिपुर चक्र के माध्यम से शरीर में फैलता है । गर्भस्थ शिशु के साथ माँ का संवाद नाभि के जरिये ही बना रहता है । सातों सुरों का प्रभाव सीधा भी भिन्न-भिन्न केन्द्रों पर पड़ता है । नीचे मूलाधार पर "सा " , स्वाधिष्ठान पर " रे " , मणिपूर पर " ग " , अनाहत पर " म " , विशुद्धि पर " प " , तथा आज्ञा चक्र पर " ध " , के साथ सहस्त्रार पर " नि " का प्रभाव अलग-अलग सुर-लय के साथ पड़ता रहता है । मूलाधार शरीर की ऊर्जाओं का केंद्र है । ताल के साथ तरंगित होता है । तबला, ढोल, मृदंग जैसे संगीत पर थिरकता है । स्वाधिष्ठान भावनात्मक धरातल मूलाधार तथा मणिपुर के साथ स्पंदित होता है । लय हमेशां भावनात्मक भूमिका में कार्य करती है । अत: ऊपर अनाहत को भी प्रभावित करती है । विशुद्धि और अनाहत भीतरी सूक्ष्म शक्तियों का मार्ग खोलते हैं । आज्ञा-सहस्त्रार आत्मिक धरातल का संतुलन, शरीर-मन-बुद्धि का संतुलन , दृश्य-द्रष्टा भावों के प्रतिमान हैं । इनमें सुर-ताल-लय के साथ भावों का जुड़ना जरुरी है । विश्व भर में आज संगीत चिकित्सा की बहुत चर्चा है । संगीत चिकित्सा के अनुसार ताल शारीरिक और सुर भावनात्मक क्षेत्र को तथा लय बद्धता अंत:क्षेत्र को प्रभावित करते हैं । ध्वनि प्रत्येक चक्र की ऊर्जाओं को संतुलित करते हुए व्यक्ति को मन-वचन-शरीर से निरोग व आस्थावान बनाये रखती है।
रविवार, 14 जून 2015
शनिवार, 13 जून 2015
#reikigrandmaster #reikiteacher #reikihealer #reikiworkshopchandigarh
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Neuro-Linguistic Program(NLP) Therapist
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer
Magnified healer and Teacher
Crystal Healer
Dowsing Teacher and Dowser
Teacher for Crystal ball gazing
Trainer for Forgiveness
World class trainer for how to attract abundance
EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer
Medical Vedic astrologer
· >Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression,
children’s past life sessions,
> past life
therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
physical health
problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master.
> LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti
natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing, >Re-Birthing cleansing
of present physical body Aura and Chakra
before regression,
>SRT (Spirit
Releasement Therapy)
. >As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life
Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of
negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session
> NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person.
> Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia
> NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person.
> Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia
*Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level
,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki),
Grand mastership
magnified healing
, Dowsing,
EFT (Emotional
Release Therapy),
Crystal ball gazing
, Activation of third eye,
Crystal healing,
Forgiveness healing,
How to attract
abundance Workshop
Power of Subconscious mind.
· Healing:
facilties provides.....
Aura cleansing &
aura healing
Distant healing
Chakra cleansing,
activating, radiating and balancing
Pranic healing for
endocrine disorder
healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc
.Karmic healing.
Healing as SRT
Healing for relationship issues
Healing for negative energy removal
Healing by three fold flame
Healing for group event
Emotional release therapy session
Healing for home and office for negative energy
Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for
मंगलवार, 9 जून 2015
@ शरीर से परे भी एक विज्ञान ------------------------------------- कर्म और भाग्य के सिद्धांत की बात प्राचीन काल से की जाती रही हैं और भगवान श्री कृष्ण द्वारा इसका विशेष तौर पर उल्लेख किया गया है ।भाग्य और भगवान में मजबूत आस्था रखने के कारण एवं षडदर्शन और ज्योतिष विषय का अध्ययन और अध्यापन करने के कारण यह समझने का अवसर मिला कि हर व्यक्ति , समान कौशल होने के बाबजूद विभिन्न मोर्चों पर अलग - अलग प्रदर्शन करता है । क्रकेट की भाषा में इसे " इन - फॉर्म और आउट - ऑफ़ - फॉर्म " कहा जाता है ।ज्योतिष में यह प्रदर्शन "योग,गोचर - महादशा और अन्तर्दशा " पर निर्भर करता है ।इस बात को क्रिकेट के भगवान कहे जाने वाले सचिन तेंदुलकर के उदाहरण से समझा जा सकता है ।रातोंरात " क्रकेट के भगवान" ने जब परिस्थितियों के सामने समर्पण किया तो जिन लोगों ने उन्हें भगवन बनाया था वही उनके सबसे बड़े आलोचक हो गए । एक ज्योतिषविद होने के नाते सचिन तेंदुलकर की जन्मकुंडली का अध्ययन किया और कुछ दिलचस्प नतीजे सामने आये । उनकी जन्मकुंडली में जहाँ एक ओर सूर्य -मंगल का योग और गजकेसरी जैसा असाधारण योग है, वहीं राहु - चन्द्र का नकारात्मक योग कमजोर शुक्र के साथ है । 1990 से 1996 के दौरान उन्होंने सभी विरोधियों के छक्के छुड़ा दिए और स्वयं व् देश के लिए गौरव हासिल किया और निरंतरता बनाये हुए एक ब्रांड बन गए । उनका कमजोर समय 2002 से 2006 के पूर्व तक रहा ।इसके पश्चात् सूर्य ने इनको फिर से प्रसिद्धि दिलाई । जून 2011 से रिटायरमेंट तक राहु - चन्द्र के चलते उनका भाग्य कमजोर हो गया । जैसा कि "कार्ल मार्क्स " ने कहा है कि इंसान अपना इतिहास स्वयं बनाता है, लेकिन वः इच्छा अनुसार नहीं बना सकता , वह चुनी हुई परिस्थति के अधीन भी नही बना सकता , बल्कि विरासत में मिली, पूर्व प्रदत्त, वर्तमान परिस्थितियों के अधीन बनाता है ।......Dr.Surendra Nath Panch
सोमवार, 8 जून 2015
योगवाशिष्ठ ग्रन्थ को महारामायण के नाम से भी जाना जाता है क्यों कि इसमेें महर्षि वाशिष्ठ ने भगवान् श्री राम को जीवन विज्ञान और योग विज्ञान की शिक्षा दी है ।उसमें ये बताया है कि चिज्जड़ ग्रंथि के टूटने पर सभी चक्र जाग्रत हो जाते हैं ।चिज्जड़ यानि (चित्त + जड़) अर्थात् चेतना का जड़ से पृथकता का अनुभव होना ।यही बात योगदर्शन के विभुतिपाद में वर्णित की गयी है ।अब चेतना की जड़ता से पृथकता कैसे हो इसके लिए एक विधि है , जो लिपिबद्ध नहीं की जा सकती ।योग दर्शन की किसी भी जिज्ञासा के लिए आपका स्वागत है । Dr. Surendra Nath Panch
योग निद्रा ------------------- योग निद्रा एक परम् उत्कृष्ट निद्रा है, इसका अभ्यास हो जाने से मनुष्य के त्रिदोष सम्यक अवस्था में हो जाते हैं और व्यक्ति आदर्श स्वास्थ्य एवम् सौन्दर्य से युक्त रहता हुआ अतिशय सुखी, शांत ,प्रसन्न और आनंदित रहता है । योग निद्रा के लाभ =========== 1. योग निद्रा के अभ्यास से शारीरिक, मानसिक और भावनात्मक तनाव समाप्त हो जाते हैं । 2. एक - एक अंग की निष्क्रियता दूर होकर , उसमें नई चेतना और नई शक्ति का संचार होता है । 3. शरीर, मन और मस्तिष्क के रोग जैसे :- तनाव , मधुमेह , रक्तचाप , ह्रदय रोग तथा कमजोरी आदि से छुटकारा मिल जाता है । 4. योग निद्रा के अभ्यास से मन पर नियंत्रण होने लगता है । मन को स्थिर करके बहुत सी शक्तियां और सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त हो जातीं हैं । 5. योग निद्रा के अभ्यास से व्यक्ति में आलस्य नहीं रहता है, वह सदा सक्रिय रहता है । कार्य करने की शक्ति उसमें बराबर बनी रहती है । 6. योग निद्रा अंतर्मन में उतरने की सर्वसुलभ क्रिया है । इसके अभ्यास से व्यक्ति को निर्मलता , निश्चलता एवम् शांति प्राप्त होती है तथा मन , मष्तिष्क और स्नायु मंडल को शान्ति एवं शक्ति मिलती है । 7. इसके अभ्यास से व्यक्ति जहाँ अंतर्मन में गहरे उतर सकता है, वहीं साधना की ऊंची उड़ान भी भर सकता है और तन-मन में अद् भुद ताजगी एवं आनंद का अनुभव कर सकता है । 8. अभ्यास परिपक्व होने पर बहुत से रहस्य व्यक्ति के समक्ष उजागर होते जाते हैं । @सावधान +++++++ यह योग निद्रा पूर्णत: लेखनीबद्ध नहीं हो सकती है । ये एक अत्यंत ही प्रभावशाली योग है , इसे किसी विशेषज्ञ के निर्देशन में सीख लेना चाहिए ।।
रविवार, 7 जून 2015
गुरुवार, 4 जून 2015
मंगलवार, 2 जून 2015
हर विचार एक बीज है – Every Thought is a Seed| हमारे पास दो तरह के बीज होते है सकारात्मक विचार (Positive) एंव नकारात्मक विचार (Negative Thoughts) है, जो आगे चलकर हमारे दृष्टिकोण एंव व्यवहार रुपी पेड़ का निर्धारण करता है| हम जैसा सोचते है वैसा बन जाते है (What we think we become) इसलिए कहा जाता है कि जैसे हमारे विचार होते है वैसा ही हमारा आचरण होता है| यह हम पर निर्भर करता है कि हम अपने दिमाग रुपी जमीन में कौनसा बीज बौते है| थोड़ी सी चेतना एंव सावधानी से हम कांटेदार पेड़ को महकते फूलों के पेड़ में बदल सकते है|
रविवार, 31 मई 2015
Arthritis is inflammatory pain of joints. Food which helps to cure: Fish and food high in Omega III fatty acids Leafy green, capsicum, broccoli- food rich in anti-oxidants Pomegranate- act directly on cartilage, helps to prevent pains Pineapple- it contains Brome lain, good to control inflammation Turmeric, ginger, cloves- acts as an inflammatory for joints Onions, berries- help to prevent. Aloe vera ..ten to tweny ml per day.. Role of Healing: Energy healing helps to heal joints • Do daily Aura cleansing for painful joints • Do daily Chakra healing for Root Chakra • Do daily sukshm vyayam for each joint. .Daily light walk is adviced.
पूरे योगदर्शन को यदि अति संक्षिप्त में वर्गीकरण करें तो तीन भागों में विभक्त कर सकते हैं : 1. चित्तवृति निरोध 2. स्वरूपस्थिति 3. ईश्वर प्रणिधान जो सर्वोच्च स्थिति है ,जैसा की आपने लिखा है कि जब प्रभु का भाव हमेशां ही मन में रहेगा तो वहाँ चिंता का कोई स्थान ही नहीं बचता,इसे ही ईश्वर प्रणिधान कहा है ,और यही भक्ति की पराकाष्ठ है । वैसे भी यदि प्रभु भाव मन में नहीं होगा तो चिंता का भाव भी अवश्य रहता है और चिंता चिता के सामान होती है जिसके अनेक दुष्परिणाम हैं
मंगलवार, 26 मई 2015
Below are some herbs and spices you can consider including in your diet:, ia you are a Diabetic.... 1. Cinammon - This herb has been found to have 18 percent phenol content in dry weight. For type-2 diabetics or those who suffer from insulin resistance, studies have shown that improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control can be had for as little as ?teaspoon per day. Improved insulin resistance helps in weight control and lessens the risk of heart disease. 2. Cloves - This herb contains 30 percent levels of the antioxidant phenol in dry weight. It also contains the antioxidants anthocyanins and quercetin. This herb has antiseptic as well as germicidal properties. It also offers anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive health benefits. Clove oil can be used to for something as uncomplicated as toothaches, headaches, cough and even indigestion. 3. Oregano - This herb is popularly found in Spanish and Mediterranean cooking and is sometimes known as marjoram. It adds depth and flavor to any dish and goes well with tomatoes, eggplant and meat. It has been thought to treat bacteria and parasitic infection and its oil has been used to treat head lice. In a recent study, oregano was found to treat giardia - an infection of the intestines brought about by microscopic parasites - effectively. Herbalists even recommend it as a treatment for E-coli. 4. Sage - This herb contains phytosterols reputed to have a cooling action. Herbal medicine practitioners use it to treat uterine bleeding and cramps. A German study on this herb shows that diabetics who drank infusions of sage on an empty stomach reduced their blood sugar levels. It is popularly used to flavor soup dishes and can even be drunk as tea. 5. Garlic - Garlic contains sulfur compounds - specifically hydrogen sulfide gas - which dilate blood vessels. It is this effect that reduces blood pressure. This same compounds help in the metabolism of iron and protect against oxidative damage and even high cholesterol. Garlic can be found in different types of vegetable and meat recipes and adds a characteristic flavor in soups and sauces. 6 Other than these...Jamun, karela, bhindi, aloe vera , kali zeeri, methi dana also helps in diabetes.
मंगलवार, 19 मई 2015
क्रोधा्द्भावति सम्मोह: सम्मोहात्स्म्रुतिविभ्र्म: । स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति ।। श्रीमद, भागवत् गीता अध्याय -2 श्लोक सं -63 , अर्थात् क्रोध से अत्यंत मूढ़ भाव उत्पन्न हो जाता है, मूढ़ भाव से स्मृति में भ्रम हो जाता है, स्मृति भ्रम हो जाने से बुद्धि अर्थात् ज्ञानशक्ति का नाश हो जाता है और बुद्धि का नाश हो जाने से यह पुरुष अपनी स्थिति से गिर जाता है । लगता है डॉ वंदना जी आप आधुनिक तरीके से हम लोगों को गीता के मार्ग पर चलने की प्रेरणा दे रही है ।आपने बड़े ही सुन्दर ढंग से गीता के इस सारांश को नवीनता का रूप दिया है ।साधुबाद आपको ,सद्,मार्ग की ओर संकेत देने के लिए । Prof. surendra nath panch ji
सोमवार, 18 मई 2015
रविवार, 17 मई 2015
Sweat and Tears...
Both sweat and tears are wet and salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you only sympathy but Sweat will get you change...
Both sweat and tears are wet and salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you only sympathy but Sweat will get you change...
शुक्रवार, 15 मई 2015
सोमवार, 11 मई 2015
शुक्रवार, 8 मई 2015
गुरुवार, 7 मई 2015
सोमवार, 4 मई 2015
शुक्रवार, 1 मई 2015
मंगलवार, 21 अप्रैल 2015
बुधवार, 15 अप्रैल 2015
When we sit down to center ourselves we can imagine that we are gathering our straying thoughts & energies back into ourselves, the way a mother duck gathers her babies around her. We can also visualize ourselves casting a net & pulling all the disparate parts of ourselves back to the center of our being, creating a sense of fluid integration. From this place of centeredness, we can begin again, directing ourselves outward in a more intentional way.
शनिवार, 11 अप्रैल 2015
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi...Reiki Grand -Master, India..#reikimaster #reikiteaching #reikihealer #activationofthirdeye...
Read somewhere ,like to share....
Energy Vampires: How to Escape
Toxic people are not only energetically draining, they have a direct effect on our success & happiness.
Let’s face it, we are all vibrational beings. Surrounding ourselves with high vibrational, positive people, propels us onward & upward, raising the bar in life for us all to match.
When we slum it around low vibrational, negative people, we’re pulled down.
As my dad used to say, “water seeks it’s own level.”
Being a a loving compassionate person has nothing to do with slumming it vibrationally.
Where this dynamic sneaks up on us is in the realm of friendships. As we mature & experience life, we naturally grow & evolve, which means that our friendships must also adapt.
Sadly, sometimes it’s necessary to call a weed a weed in the garden of our friendships & do a little pruning. While it’s admirable to have life long friendships, the truth is, people change. Not everyone wants to take responsibility for the life they’re living & when toxic friends aren’t happy, they tend to pull everyone around them down too.
This isn’t about the friend that goes through a rough spot & needs some extra time & attention, it’s about the overview of your entire friendship. Has it been a back and forth volley or a one way serve?
If you have a huge heart & you’re a loving person, it’s easy to ignore the signs, but toxic people are easy to spot once you know what to look for.
So ask yourself:
1. Are you exhausted after spending time with them?
Give them an inch and they’ll take nine million miles. You know who I’m talking about. What starts as an innocuous conversation ends with you feeling tired & drained. What happened? A brief conversation with them happened.
Spend time at the water cooler sharing small talk & suddenly you’re ready for a nap. Talk to another mom on the school yard for ten minutes and you’re ready to put yourself down for the day.
2. Are you unable to fit a word in edgewise?
You know who I’m talking about: the phone call when you find yourself uh huh’ing repeatedly without actually having a conversation. Your friend goes negative on you and suddenly you’re listening to their list of woes in life & acting as a stand in therapist.
This isn’t about a friend in need or one going through transition, it’s about those people who talk at you rather than with you - all of the time.
Admittedly it can be hard to stay in touch with how you’re feeling as toxic friends can be sneaky and subtle, but when someone wants to complain instead of problem solve, pull out your sword & start trimming your time with them.
3. Speaking of time, are people respecting yours? Are you?
Some people will drone on & on even when you’ve said you’re busy and can’t talk right now. In these times a sharper sword is needed. This is your time & ultimately your life, and right now it’s being filled with someone else’s sloppy boundaries.
4. How are you feeling? The biggest tool in your bag IS your body.
When you silently scan your body while talking to someone, you’ll either feel relaxed and in the moment, or you’ll be clenching something. If you’re holding your breath and looking desperately for a way to break into their long-winded speech, you are being talked at and sucked dry. This isn’t a sign of a healthy friendship.
Time with a healthy friend should leave you smiling, inspired and feeling full and happy.
5. Are you caught in the gossip trap?
Gossip might make you feel bonded to a friend, but it’s draining. Participating in gossip wilts your petals faster than any toxic friend could on their own because once you spill their gossip, you’re the one left holding the empty bag feeling terrible.
Avoid gossips at all costs by closing the door on people in your life that love to do it. Chances are they will eventually gossip about you anyways, so protect yourself.
6. Do you withhold positive news from them so they aren’t jealous?
True friends are happy when your life is going well. Toxic friends are jealous and will compare their own life to yours instead of celebrating your wins.
Disrespecting your time, constant negativity, gossiping, complaining rather than problem solving, jealousy, and routinely taking instead of giving are toxic behaviors for which boundaries were invented.
Clearing your life of toxic friendships takes courage, but if you trust your heart, time eventually delivers like- minded people into your life. And that my friend, is well worth the wait.
सोमवार, 23 मार्च 2015
learn dowsing ...
To dowse is to search, with the aid of simple hand held tools or instruments, for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for a great number of artefacts, lost articles, to find answers, to get guidances, to find negativity and entities., any thing which you wamnt to know , you can find answer with dousing. Any one can learn it, its a one day course .
बुधवार, 18 मार्च 2015
Many people are taught from a young age to suppress feelings commonly regarded as negative, such as anger, resentment, fear & sorrow. Those who cannot or will not express these emotions tend to engage in passive-aggressive behaviors that provide them with a means of redirecting their feelings. Passive aggression can take many forms: People who feel guilty saying “no” may continually break their promises because they couldn’t say no when they meant it. Others will substitute snide praise for a slur to distance themselves from the intense emotions they feel. More often than not, such behavior is a cry for help uttered by those in need of compassion & gentle guidance. Energy healing heps to remove this supressed anger from your lower chakras and mind. This supressed anger can be cause of body pains, depression, sadness etc.
रविवार, 15 मार्च 2015
( Master Healer Course) :
1) Highest symbol attunement .
2) Karuna Reiki symbols
3) Reiki Surgery
4) Quartz Healing
5) Psychic Attack
6) Grid Healing
7) Self Protection Techniques
8 ) Reiki Meditation with highest Symbol with whole family.
9) Advance tech distance healing.
10) Chakra Healing in Detail.
11)Law of attraction for prosperity
मंगलवार, 3 मार्च 2015
रविवार, 22 फ़रवरी 2015
Here are ten things to help overcome negative thoughts .... 1. Meditate or do yoga. 2. Smile. 3. Surround yourself with positive people. .4. Change the tone of your thoughts from negative to positive. 5. Don’t play the victim. You create your life—take responsibility. 6. Help someone. 7. Remember that no one is perfect and let yourself move forward. 8. Sing. 9. List five things that you are grateful for right now. 10. Read positive quotes.
शनिवार, 21 फ़रवरी 2015
Meaning of Dirty colors:
(colors appearing darker than background more like a smoke than a glow)
Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.
Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.
Sulfur (color of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger
White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs). Why does the white color in the Aura indicate problems? White color is like a noise, rather than a set of harmonious tones (monochromatic colors). It is impossible to "tune" the noise to an orchestra playing harmonious music, hence the white Aura indicates a lack of harmony in the body and mind. Nature, which we are a part of, is harmonious. This harmony comes in discrete vibration "tones" or harmonics, partially described by the modern quantum physics.
Several hours before the death, the Aura becomes white, and greatly increases in intensity. For this reason in most cultures "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black), because in the past, people could actually see a white Aura before death. It seems that our ancestors knew much more than we are prepared to admit.
(colors appearing darker than background more like a smoke than a glow)
Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.
Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.
Sulfur (color of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger
White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs). Why does the white color in the Aura indicate problems? White color is like a noise, rather than a set of harmonious tones (monochromatic colors). It is impossible to "tune" the noise to an orchestra playing harmonious music, hence the white Aura indicates a lack of harmony in the body and mind. Nature, which we are a part of, is harmonious. This harmony comes in discrete vibration "tones" or harmonics, partially described by the modern quantum physics.
Several hours before the death, the Aura becomes white, and greatly increases in intensity. For this reason in most cultures "death" is depicted in WHITE (not black), because in the past, people could actually see a white Aura before death. It seems that our ancestors knew much more than we are prepared to admit.
गुरुवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2015
By Dr. Mercola Emotional pain often exacts a greater toll on your quality of life than physical pain. The stress and negative emotions associated with any trying event can even lead to physical pain and disease. In fact, emotional stress is linked to health problems including chronic inflammation, lowered immune function, increased blood pressure, altered brain chemistry, increased tumor growth and more. Of course, emotional pain can be so severe that it interferes with your ability to enjoy life and, in extreme cases, may even make you question whether your life is worth living. 5 Tips for Healing Emotional Pain As the featured article reported, Guy Winch, author of Emotional First Aid: Practical Strategies for Treating Failure, Rejection, Guilt and Other Everyday Psychological Injuries, recently shared five tips for healing your emotional pain. 1. Let Go of Rejection Rejection actually activates the same pathways in your brain as physical pain, which is one reason why it hurts so much. The feeling of rejection toys with your innate need to belong, and is so distressing that it interferes with your ability to think, recall memories and make decisions. The sooner you let go of painful rejections, the better off your mental health will be. 2. Avoid Ruminating When you ruminate, or brood, over a past hurt, the memories you replay in your mind only become increasingly distressing and cause more anger – without providing any new insights. In other words, while reflecting on a painful event can help you to reach an understanding or closure about it, ruminating simply increases your stress levels, and can actually be addictive. Ruminating on a stressful incident can also increase your levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in your body linked to cardiovascular disease.1 3. Turn Failure Into Something Positive If you allow yourself to feel helpless after a failure, or blame it on your lack of ability or bad luck, it’s likely to lower your self-esteem. Blaming a failure on specific factors within your control, such as planning and execution, is likely to be less damaging, but even better is focusing on ways you can improve and be better informed or prepared so you can succeed next time (and try again, so there is a next time). 4. Make Sure Guilt Remains a Useful Emotion Guilt can be beneficial in that it can stop you from doing something that may harm another person (making it a strong "relationship protector"). But guilt that lingers or is excessive can impair your ability to focus and enjoy life. If you still feel guilty after apologizing for a wrongdoing, be sure you have expressed empathy toward them and conveyed that you understand how your actions impacted them. This will likely lead to authentic forgiveness and relief of your guilty feelings. 5. Use Self-Affirmations if You Have Low Self-Esteem While positive affirmations are excellent tools for emotional health, if they fall outside the boundaries of your beliefs, they may be ineffective. This may be the case for people with low self-esteem, for whom self-affirmations may be more useful. Self-affirmations, such as “I have a great work ethic,” can help to reinforce positive qualities you believe you have, as can making a list of your best qualities.
सोमवार, 9 फ़रवरी 2015
EXERCISE IN MENTAL CONCENTRATION: To use your mind effectively, you must learn to concentrate & the route to concentration is through paying attention. The following exercise, adapted from the writings of William Walker Atkinson, is very powerful in learning how to pay attention. Take a simple object with which you are familiar & give it your full attention for a few minutes. Study the object & endeavor to see as many details as possible in it. Take a break & then come back to the object & this time look for new details that you missed. Carry on repeating this process until you have discovered everything about the object. Do not fool yourself into thinking you have seen all the details at once. Rather, will yourself to discover more. Do this exercise every day for one month, using simple objects at first & then more complex ones, until you can find all the details in the most complex of objects. This exercise strengthens your power of observation, heightens your ability to pay attention & develops your ability to concentrate to such a degree that you scarcely need any conscious effort to do so. And when you master concentration in this way, you become a master of mental influence, for you will be able to focus all your Life Force & energy exclusively on anything you choose to, at will & with little effort.
बुधवार, 28 जनवरी 2015
The most important relationship we have in our lives is with our selves. And even though we are the only ones who are present at every moment of our lives from birth onward this relationship can be the most difficult one to cultivate. This may be because society places such emphasis on the importance of being in a romantic partnership, even teaching us to set aside our own needs for the needs of another. Until we know ourselves, however, we cannot possibly choose the right relationship to support our mutual growth toward our highest potential. By allowing ourselves to be comfortable with being alone, we can become the people with whom we want to have a relationship.
रविवार, 18 जनवरी 2015
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#reikimaster #reikiteaching #reikihealer #activationofthirdeye#reikicourses |
शनिवार, 10 जनवरी 2015
Effective meditation means to gather the positive resources of the inner self & then use them in the outer world. It is important to remain neither too much inside, nor too much outside, but constantly to create a balance between the inner & outer realities. Meditation resembles the cyclic path of energy: going from the inside out & then from the outside in, gathering information, or experiences that we need to reflect on, or understand better. On other occasions, it may be a question of recharging our minds with positivity & peace: we go inside and, with the practice of silence, the battery becomes re-energized.
सोमवार, 5 जनवरी 2015
DRINK WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney & urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases. METHOD OF TREATMENT 1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water 2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute 3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal. 4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch & dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours 5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day. 6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases: 1. High Blood Pressure (30 days) 2. Gastric (10 days) 3. Diabetes (30 days) 4. Constipation (10 days) 5. Cancer (180 days) 6. TB (90 days) 7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.. This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active. This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain... For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks: • Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting, • Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. • You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. • Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. • 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. • Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
DRINK WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney & urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases. METHOD OF TREATMENT 1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water 2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute 3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal. 4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch & dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours 5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day. 6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases: 1. High Blood Pressure (30 days) 2. Gastric (10 days) 3. Diabetes (30 days) 4. Constipation (10 days) 5. Cancer (180 days) 6. TB (90 days) 7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.. This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active. This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain... For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks: • Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting, • Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. • You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. • Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. • 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. • Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
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