Reiki Healing in Jaipur, India.....09872880634
Reiki’s meaning is Rei- and Ki.Rei- : is spiritual power, universal source .Ki : is the vital life force energy.
Ki exists in everything. It is a subtle energy that flows within and surrounds all life. It is an essential energy for everything that exists in the physical and spiritual worlds.
Reiki flows ,in the human aura and chakras. These vibrations of Ki help to sustain the physical body, our thoughts, mind and emotions as well as our spiritual experiences.
When Ki is out of balance, negative energy entres and form around the physical body, and within the subtle energies of the aura and chakras.
This heavy negative energy cannot flow freely and becomes sluggish and stagnant resulting in dysfunction and illness in the body. It is only by removing this negative energy that healthy Ki is free to flow again and heal the body.
Reiki healers gives the positive Ki to the area of the body, chakra or aura where negative energy stores and allowing it to be released from the person’s energy field and replaced by healthy Ki, resulting in the natural flow of positive Ki. In short, Reiki healers channel through pure Universal Love.
Reiki healing is always healing the, and the person person receiving the healing feel totally safe.
Reiki assists the receiver in going through the processes of healing and self-empowerment by allowing them to take responsibility for their own health and happiness.
Reiki can be given along with all other therapies, whether allopathic or alternative by allowing the path of healing (physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual) to take place.