गुरुवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2013


The word Chakra is Sanskrit, and signifies a wheel, the chakra system is a series of wheel-like vortices which exist in the etheric or subtle body. This invisible part of the physical body is of great importance to us, for it is the vehicle through which flow the streams of vital energy which keep the body alive and without it as a bridge to convey undulations of thought and feeling from the astral to the visible. The chakras or awareness-centres are points of con­nection at which energy flows from the subtle body to the physical body. When quite undeveloped they appear as small circles about two inches in diameter, glowing dully; but when awakened they are seen as blazing miniature suns much increased in size. All chakras correspond to certain physical organs, t hey absorb, digest, and distribute prana to the different parts of the body, They control, energize, and are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs; for example the endocrine glands are controlled and energized by some of the major chakras. The endocrine glands can be stimulated or inhibited by controlling or manipulating the corresponding chakras. Many ailments can be caused by blockages of the chakras. Some chakras are sites of the psychic faculties. Activation of certain chakras may result in the development of certain psychic faculties. For example, if you activate the hand chakras which are located at the center of the palms you develop the ability to feel subtle energies and the ability to feel outer energies, health, aura and chakras states, etc.