सोमवार, 29 जनवरी 2018

Reiki level one course... learn Aura scanning, Chakra scanning, Chakra balancing and alignment 😙, Aura healing and whole body Reiki...heal your self and others.

Reiki level... two...learn distant healing, wish Box Healing and much more....

Reiki third degree with karuna reiki classes Chandigarh India

Reiki mastership and grand Mastership course in Chandigarh India

Learn Reiki healing full course from us In Chandigarh India

मंगलवार, 9 जनवरी 2018

Reiki Teaching in Chandigarh India

Don’t let yourself be controlled by regret. Maybe there’s something you could have done differently, or maybe not. Either way, it’s merely something that has already happened.