शनिवार, 24 दिसंबर 2016


Reiki Level III Degree with Karuna Reiki 
( Master Healer Course) :

1) Highest symbol attunement .

2) Karuna Reiki symbols

3) Reiki Surgery

4) Quartz Healing

5) Psychic Attack

6) Grid Healing

7) Self Protection Techniques

8 ) Reiki Meditation with highest Symbol with whole family.

9) Advance tech distance healing.

10) Chakra Healing in Detail.

11)Law of attraction for prosperity

रविवार, 18 दिसंबर 2016

REIKI ZIRAKPUR....09872880634

Anger takes its toll. In many ways, it looks like a heightened stress response. It increases our blood pressure & heart rate and cellular inflammatory processes and when it happens too frequently it leads to an increased chance of heart disease.