सोमवार, 23 मार्च 2015

learn dowsing ...

To dowse is to search, with the aid of simple hand held tools or instruments, for that which is otherwise hidden from view or knowledge. It can be applied to searches for a great number of artefacts, lost articles, to find answers, to get guidances, to find negativity  and entities., any thing which you wamnt to know , you can find answer with dousing. Any one can learn it, its a one day course . 

बुधवार, 18 मार्च 2015


Many people are taught from a young age to suppress feelings commonly regarded as negative, such as anger, resentment, fear & sorrow. Those who cannot or will not express these emotions tend to engage in passive-aggressive behaviors that provide them with a means of redirecting their feelings. Passive aggression can take many forms: People who feel guilty saying “no” may continually break their promises because they couldn’t say no when they meant it. Others will substitute snide praise for a slur to distance themselves from the intense emotions they feel. More often than not, such behavior is a cry for help uttered by those in need of compassion & gentle guidance. Energy healing heps to remove this supressed anger from your lower chakras and mind. This supressed anger can be cause of body pains, depression, sadness etc.

रविवार, 15 मार्च 2015


Reiki Level III Degree with Karuna Reiki 
( Master Healer Course) :

1) Highest symbol attunement .

2) Karuna Reiki symbols

3) Reiki Surgery

4) Quartz Healing

5) Psychic Attack

6) Grid Healing

7) Self Protection Techniques

8 ) Reiki Meditation with highest Symbol with whole family.

9) Advance tech distance healing.

10) Chakra Healing in Detail.

11)Law of attraction for prosperity

मंगलवार, 3 मार्च 2015


may be...you should try to put yourself in the others shoes....if you feel that something could hurt you, propbably will hutr other person , too...