The law of balance can also be applied on a mental & emotional level, to the emotion of anger e.g.
Too many angry thoughts of revenge & animosity (hatred) inside our consciousness can
emerge in two ways:
a) either externally as toxic, violent behavior, which will attract toxic, violent responses from others,or
b) if these thoughts are kept bottled inside, they will eventually, after a period of time, emerge as some disease or the other in the physical body. This is because our consciousness then tries to find a way to get rid of the mental impurity, which enters our physical body & restores balance to the mental & physical system, which has been upset due to the creation of the toxic thoughts, in the first place.
Nothing happens without a purpose. Whether we attract success or repel it depends on our willingness to stay open to a wide range of possibilities & to embrace concepts like synchronicity. The universe is always ready to care for our needs, but we must not write off its loving attention as mere circumstance or chance. Likewise, we must endeavor to ensure that our egos do not become a barrier that prevents us from recognizing that even perceived mistakes & strife can be profound lessons that smooth the progress of personal evolution. When we understand that we only need to enthusiastically try our best to realize our objectives, the universe will take care of the details, propelling us forward in its unstoppable current. We may not always immediately understand the significance of certain experiences, but our trust will help us choose wisely at each crossroads.
The universe wants to see you accomplish your goals. No matter how long you’ve dallied or hesitated, it will always be there to put its plan for you in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this aid by acquiescing to it rather than fighting it—nurture your dreams but do not attempt to micromanage every detail along the way. The universe will provide you with guidance & if you heed that guidance, you will find your formerly stressful quest for success will become a journey of great joy.