शनिवार, 22 फ़रवरी 2014


Reiki is a Japanese technique for Healing of body , mind ,life that also promotes spiritual enhancement. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an universal "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy .Reiki course has levels. Any one can learn it.Energy healing guidance is one of best Reiki teaching center in India. It is located in City beautiful...Chandigarh.Here all healing courses are conducted under one roof. We take extra care for students satisfaction of well subject understanding and having clear of all concet very well  in course.We are giving World class training of Reiki healing course Our students are all over the World.
You can contact us by call...09872880634
Email us ...lightdivine 28@yahoo.com

शनिवार, 15 फ़रवरी 2014


Reiki Level II : Distance Healing
1) Attunment  For Symbols:
(a)  To create Energy.
(b) To balance/ Harmony
(c) To Connect from Distance.
2) Wish box healing
3) Goal achivement healing
4) Healing to your near & dear one if they are in other city.
5) Uses of quartz for self healing
6) Angelic blessing for wish box
7) Reiki symbol Meditation
8 ) Healing for bringing positive energy in home/ office
9) Reiki healing for pets.
10) How to attack abundance with Reiki.....
11) Reiki family meditation..
12) Reiki abundance meditation
13)Chakra meditation
14) Chakra Exercises
15)Charging of Crystal and Quartz
16) Use of color Prana in Reiki 
17) Sending harmony and love energy
18)Receiving Healing Light and energy
19) Balancing of all energy with reiki
20) much more....

गुरुवार, 6 फ़रवरी 2014

World class Reiki Healing courses in Jaipur, India


*Teaching Reiki Level 1, Level-2

,3rd degree  WITH Karuna Reiki,

 Master ship
Grand master ship

magnified healing

, Dowsing
 EFT (Emotional Release Therapy),

 Crystal ball gazing

, Activation of third eye
 Crystal healing,

Learn -  Forgiveness 

 How to attract abundance  Workshop..LOA..Law of Attraction

Power of Subconscious mind.