मंगलवार, 26 मार्च 2013


Aura is a human energy field known as “Abha Mandal”, Bio magnetic field, bio plasma and subtle body.
Aura has two layers; Inner Aura and Outer Aura. In between these two is Health Aura. Any negative, dirty, diseased and foreign energy accumulates in Health Aura.
Aura also represents person’s mood, emotion, vitality and personality.
Aura can be scanned by hands and Aura rods. Aura photographs can be taken by Kerlian Photography, GDV cameras and PIP (Poly Contrast Interference Photography).
Aura is affected by diet, living style, and contact with negative person, place and energy, condition of home, atmosphere in home and at office, living with chronic ill patients, alcoholic person and depressed person.
If u keep your Aura clean and balanced it helps to lead a healthy and happy life.
Aura cleansing can be done professionally by Reiki healer/Pranic healer. If you learn Reiki Level-1 you can clean your Aura and Aura of your home and office

शनिवार, 16 मार्च 2013


Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
·           Past life regression & hypnotherapy:
  Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions,
  past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
  LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, cleansing of
  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy.
 As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and  
 disconnection of disharmony cords.
·         Reiki Teaching and Reiki Healing:
Teaching Reiki Level 1,2,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership
magnified healing, Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy)
·         Pranic Healing:
Successfully doing Aura cleansing, chakra balancing, endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc.
·         Certificate: